Wednesday, 22 August 2007


So now for a couple of days I've been living in a huge pile of clothes and other mess surrounding me. I couldn't even open the door to my room (but on the other hand, I have a very tiny room). I'm already trying to get all that in my bag so that it would be less than 20 kilos.
Also I've been running around tourist shops like a desperate little Japanese trying to get the best amber earrings on the market. Come on, I need presents! So I got some Sipsiks for the children (should have bought one for myself, otherwise I don'tr dare to give it away :P)
Only 2 days ago I started to realize I'm going away. For the whole 9 months! And alreay yesterday I had the feeling that it'll be just another 2-week-trip and I'll be back before anyone can even realize that I'm gone.

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