I've been here for about a week now and it feels really strange – because actually it doesn't feel weird at all! It feels like you'd been here for ages already, the other volunteers are like your old friends although you've known them for less than a week.
Yes, it is totally another culture, another climate, another language – another world! I came here with almost no knowledge of Spanish – but I actually understand more or less what I'm told. The culture is something I really have to adapt to. Being a Catholic country and me being an Estonian (meaning, not religious). People are very friendly, but they are yet very conservative. Thus, having got used to the liberty while living alone... I have to get used to living in a family again... living in a family where you have to share ebeything, talk about everything you do and everywhere you go – and all that in Spanish :P
My project has not started yet – as we're learning a little bit of Spanish first. But I am really waiting forward to seeing the hospital and the children!